Introduction to survival (time-to-event) analysis

survival analysis
This is a collection of introductory resources on survival time-to-event analysis that I often share with students and colleagues who are new to the topic.

Jaron Arbet


January 4, 2025


How to interpret hazard ratios

Regression for time-to-event outcomes

  • Intro to the Cox proportional hazard model (most common regression model for survival data)
  • Also introduces the accelerated failure time model (AFTR). Although less commonly used , this model has a nice interpretation that uses “time ratios”: it compares the ratio of the average time of event in group 1 to the average time of event in group 2.

Machine learning

Here are 2 popular machine learning models used for time-to-event outcomes:

The C-index can be used to assess the predictive accuracy of a survival model. It is similar to the AUROC in that it ranges from 0 to 1, with 0.5 indicating no predictive ability and 1 indicating perfect predictive ability. Most survival model R functions will calculate the C-index for you, but if not, there are a few R packages for calculating it and comparing C between different models: survcomp, compareC, survC1